### Describe the bug
References to `subfolder/foo.md` don't point to html files.
### Steps to reproduce the behavior
The following call - referencing a document alongside my top-level `index.…
I think this one is the best:
Is it downward compatible to REALLY old devices?
# A Beginner's Guide to SEO optimization in a Jekyll static website · Juliette Sinibardy
Optimizing Jekyll for SEO is easy! 🚀 Here are a few plugins and best practices you can use.
# Writing a New Post | Chirpy
This tutorial will guide you how to write a post in the Chirpy template, and it’s worth reading even if you’ve used Jekyll before, as many features require specific vari…
### Checklist
- [X] I have read and accepted the [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md).
### How did you create the site?
Hi, can somebody help me to add other style to jekyll-scholar for example unified-style-sheet-for-linguistics.csl (zotero style)
I try to add but nothing work. I hope it can be realize. Or maybe some…
I suppose we should switch to 16.0 Beta or use e.g. Tumbleweed container based deployment in April 2025.
PSA: I18n will be dropping support for Ruby < 3.2 in the next major release (April 2025), d…
# Welcome to Jekyll! | 泡泡糖公益
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the m…