module sample-leafref {
namespace "urn:types-sample";
prefix "types-sample";
yang-version "1.1";
container conf-log {
container log {
description "Enter…
Maybe just use the openconfig icon or something?
There are four independent cases considered below. All examples use the /interfaces/interface/state/enabled leaf, which has a default value of `true`.
## Question
For all queries below, consider t…
Right now it generates the same comment which is confusing.
1. (*yang.Entry).Modules() - panics even for the valid node entries
2. (*yang.Entry).Find() - panics when the path begins with "/"
Both above cases, type assertion `e.Node.(*Module)` results in pa…
In particular, I have to change java import order performed by IDEA by default to overcome Checkstyle's error `Wrong order for `. See the issue #525 closed without addressing.
ygots updated
3 years ago
I've stumbled onto a problem when calling `ytypes.GetOrCreateNode()`. The following is a chunk of my schema:
list connectivity-service {
key "connectivity-service";
Message `LabelEntryKey` has both enum and oneof with same name but case is different.
I would like to convert the output of ygot.Diff (gnmi.Update Update and gnmi.Path Delete) to two GoStruct. Does ygot currently support that?
Possible option: ygot.Diff to support encoding
If ygot Di…
There are some features that are not used in OpenConfig models, so our integration tests don't catch them (e.g., `empty` leaf uses, or `choice`/`case`). We should create some such tests :-)