I am extremely interested in using priors.
What is the format of this file?
fasta, amplicon style (for example, V4 region only)
or fasta full 16S read?
I would like to run this workflow for amplicon sequence reads and I am very new to bioinformatics. I am not sure how to customize the sample_sheet file. I used trim_3p and trim_5p for my custom p…
Hi there,
I am unable to launch a workflow on NF tower using curl:
`curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST "https://nf-tower.cellgeni.sanger.ac.uk/api/workflow/launch" --hea…
Hello!I have some errors when running the program, I would be grateful if you could take time out of your busy schedule to answer my doubts.Pic 1:Is it because of the primer dimer in the result, an…
I am trying to run an amplicon-based (not WTA; targeted panel) BD Rhapsody scRNA-seq data using kallisto/kallistobustools. However, I can see that only BDWTA is supported.
I used the cDNA …
### Description of feature
Would it be possible to update the V1200 scheme to the newest version (v2 currently) that allows better sequencing of Omicron?
The V1200_v2 files can be found here from…
Hi there,
I have two questions:
1. You have mentioned that "ONTbarcoder has been optimized for protein coding gene like COI. While **there are ways** to obtain consensus for length variable non …
cutadapt 4.9
I have 16S amplicon reads that were sequenced with ONT that I am trying to demultiplex. Each sample was PCR barcoded with a 13 base barcode on both ends, so I expect a read to start wi…
# Possible reasons for duplex reads' quality are low
Hello, thank you for increasing the read quality! We always observe higher read mean quality on duplex than simplex reads, especially simplex pa…
Hi there!
I utilized EMU to classify 16S and 18S rRNA amplicons sequenced using nanopore sequencing with the SQK-NBD114.96 kit. However, I noticed that some of the taxonomic assignments made by EMU …