I am trying to load local 3d tiles (.b3dm), but I am facing some issue.
My flow
I have 300mb+ .obj file, I converted that to 3d tiles using https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/Obj2Tiles. Now I want to …
Hello developer, during the process of converting OBJ to til
es, can we achieve LOD grading…
**Describe the bug**
My project uses some legacy old b3dm format (still version 1 though) which 3DTilesRendererJS failed to parse. It throws: `Uncaught RangeError: Invalid typed array length: -1179…
- Add plugin for loading and overlaying ordered textures on top of the tile set
- Add demo for layers of tileset data
- Add ability to register new data layer
- Don't fire tile completion…
See documentation [here](https://github.com/CesiumGS/glTF/tree/3d-tiles-next/extensions/2.0/Vendor/EXT_mesh_features)
A three.js implementation of `EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing` is available [here](http…
Hello! While I'm able to load b3dm models organized by tileset.json and select one model to highlight it using the code, I encounter a failure in the pick operation when using glb models. How can I re…
### What happened?
I have used Alibaba’s OSS to sign each b3dm file to ensure that the data cannot be used by others. Therefore, I have used the Cesium.Resource method to load the files. The code is …
Most likely, if you used unlit materials in glTF 1.0, you should use the KHR_materials_unlit extension in glTF 2.0. If you used blinn, phong, or lambert, you should use metal/rough or …
3DTiles 1.1 includes several new features and improvements
Can we support the new version?
Trying to load 3D Tiles either with b3dm or point cloud data, and OL Cesium does not handle these requests correctly, and results in the 3D Tile not rendered on the map.
Comparing the request behav…