In latin languages (spanish portuguese italian french romanian)
compound words go inverse than english.
in english you say: "User types"
in spanish it is "Tipos de Usuario"
maybe v…
How can I encrypt password form in another blade view (ex: Admin) so that it can be verified by login page by default ?
Is it possible to have search box implemented below each column ?
Currently there is only 1 search box. how can we search data for 2 column at a time.
For example "name" and "city" ( John , Newyork ) in data table list generated by scaffold generator.
ReflectionException in Container.php line 749:
Class Caup\Http\Controllers\Admin\TagController does not exist
because the controller is defined in the namespace `App` which is wrong …
Using fromTable option with a table with no _at fileds cause issues when adding, removing items with the api.
Maybe i miss something in the configuration.
Is it possible to add a generator…
It output this into the model:
class Location extends Model
public $table = 'locations';
php artisan infyom:api_scaffold monitores
Specify fields for the model (skip id & timestamp fields, we will add it automatically)
Enter "exit" to finish
Field: (field_name:field_database_type) []:
I'm using the 5.3 command-line interface to generate a migration for a line_items table. I've got a few fields for which I'd like to add database defaults. This is something Laravel suppor…
I just setup laravel-generator with `api_prefix = 'api'` and `api_version = 'v1'`. But when I run `php artisan infyom:api_scaffold Test` the `TestAPIController` is placed directly in `app/Http…