## The Problem
When using native values, certain combinations of traits/types in a signature can cause an error.
# native variables
my uint64 $u64 = 0;
my uint32 $u32 = 0;
my uin…
Filing a "meta" ticket to review our codebase, to ensure we're consistent with how we handle this edgecase:
15:11 Zoffix m: say (eager 2.7..^3.6)».Int
15:11 camelia rakudo-moar 96570c5ca:…
As PyCon India 2021 comes to a close and hopefully this is the last time we will be doing an online conf. We should save the work that we have done in the past. Hence, save emails and content you have…
User wanting this: https://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2018-01-10#i_15673129
m: -> Array[::T] \a, Array[T] \b {}(Array[Int], Array[Int])
rakudo-moar f02606cea: OUTPUT: «===SORRY!=== Error whil…
If I name my subset `IO::Path::Foo`, the `export` tag is basically ignored and the subset always gets exported:
m: BEGIN with '/tmp/subz'.IO.mkdir { .add('ZS.pm6').spurt: 「my subset IO::Path:…
all of the cia ass 404'd
would help if you could rename the images to ciass0.png / jpg
max amount of ass pics are 36
## The Problem
X and Z exist as standalone, non-meta operators hence they should be combinable with the reverse meta-operator without any fuss. However, the runtime takes it as an incomplete meta…
Running on a Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit VM, host Windows 7 machine running on Intel Core i5
$ perl6 -v
This is Rakudo version 2016.03-45-gd0c675c built on MoarVM version 2016.03-46-g50c7f6a
implementing Per…