Hello, I recently purchased an Arducam ov2640 mini 2mp plus and esp8266. I was able to use the camera using an Arduino uno and am now trying to get it to work with the Arducam board. I have downloaded…
Greeting! We are planning to have a demo on “remote video monitoring” with cloud. What kind of development board would you like to recommend? ESP-wrover-kit? If yes, could you share us with more i…
Hi, i'm new to arduino
can anyone help me out with hardware connection, programming and libraries for arducam mini 2mp ov2640(spi camera module) with arduino mega board.
product link -https://www.a…
How to check RGB value each pixel of picture ?
Hello everybody.
I'm working on integrating the Arducam with an opensource drone called Crazyflie 2.0. The latter uses an STM32 with DMA controller enabled in the SPI communication.
After connecti…
Reading around, I think the correct connections of the pins are:
CS -> D10
MOSI -> D11
MISC -> D12
SCK -> D13
VCC -> +5V
But where should SDA and SCL connect to?
Also, how are these…
I'm working with a Feather esp8266 board with ArduCAM OV2640. I basically followed this tutorial https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/esp8266-robotics-projects/9781788474610/e82e4482-aea4…
* This example takes a picture every 5s and print its size on serial monitor.
// =============================== SETUP ======================================
// 1. Board setup (Uncomm…
I'm having an issue with a camera model 2640.
Here the serial debug 👍
"⸮jZI⸮F⸮F⸮⸮⸮x⸮BJF⸮ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46
configsip: …
Hi, I'm using **Arducam Mini OV2640 2M** and **Adafruit huzzah esp8266**
I can capture or stream on esp8266 server (set esp8266 as Access Point or connect to my home WiFi). However, I…