Thanks for your good work!
I encountered a problem.
When I press ctrl+shift+R, rviz has a display problem. And Gazebo is all right.
Could you please tell me how to solve this problem?
1. I have run the brinup script from the robot, and SLAM from host computer. The ROBOT is visible in the RVIZ.
but, it is very noisy or flickering the pose (I mean ROBOT is flickering on z-axis) even…
Hello, I try to run roslaunch KITTI.launch, and choose topic pointcloud2, but nothing present in rviz. It shows warning on the screen
"[ WARN] [1605856260.140396167]: Nothing to publish, octree is e…
I open this issue with the aim to suggest if it would be possible to **insert the ROSEE GUI in the RViz window**?
It could be pretty cool and I think having it in Rviz could be a really good point…
[rviz-25] process has died [pid 7453, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/rviz/rviz -d /home/hyx020222/planner_ws/src/Fast-Planner/plan_manage/config/Fast-Planner.rviz __name:=rviz __log:=/hom…
@sktometometo @knorth55 @iory
I am looking for ROS node to visualize ClassificationResult on rviz.
Here is a code that I found in 72b2 desktop (https://gist.github.com/k-okada/7845471a8f6c3140e69…
The latest commit on `main` seems to give incorrect scale to point clouds with the Gemini 2L and the provided launch file, with the reported depth being about 1/4th the expected value.
Using the l…
I've been trying to run Rviz but keep getting the error below.
I've tried both reinstalling ROS2 (using Galactic), reinstalling my nvidia and cuda drivers, and have perused through a lot of forums …
### Your environment
* OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04 (on UTM Apple Silicon)
* ROS Distro: Humble
* RViz, Qt, OGRE, OpenGl version as printed by rviz:
(see launch.log file at the end)