G-code is testcases/short-moves.gcode, the result speaks for its self:
Найти и освоить Debugger, в интересах #18.
[Travis CI run](https://travis-ci.org/synthetos/TinyG/builds/23343158) failed with the following error:
avr-gcc -mmcu=atxmega192a3 -gdwarf-2 -std=gnu99 -Wall -DF_CPU=32000000UL -Os -funs…
I'm getting this error trying to compie the "Echo Server" example:
$ ino build
/usr/share/arduino/libraries/Robot_Control/glcdfont.c:9:23: error: variable 'font' must be …
Usually compile
avr-gcc -Xassembler -ggdb -mmcu=atmega16a example.S -o example.o
example.S code in our cite http://crafting.be/2013/09/simulavr-start/
I add -g (Debug information) and add -Xassem…