I have run train.py with this config and after 13 epoch I still get 0 fscore.
"label_type": "multi_label",
"hierarchical": true,
I've tried everything that was mentioned in reply to various issues but I am still not able to reproduce the results given in the README.
- I used the complete RCV1 dataset consisting of 23149 train …
## ❓ Questions & Help
Hello, I am a student who is learning nlp.
Now I want to use the word vector output by bert to apply to my model, but **I can't connect the word vector to the network**. Could…
Hi team,
I completed a `TextCNN` model with Pytorch for multi-label classification and wanted to add the `AUROC` to evaluate my model. However, when I input the code according to official API:
ValueError:the passed save_path is not a valid checkpoint:checkpoints/textcnn/best_validation
A. 内容分类的分类模型。
B. 垃圾文章的分类模型。
当前的办法是,同时加载两个模型,先后对文章进行识别,但是我发现在在当前的算法在同一进程中依次加载A和B模型时,B模型的加载会报 ValueError: Variable embedding already exists, disallo…
TextCNN 两个 Sentence 有共享参数吗
#### 你好 ,我用`model_lstm.json`配置训练示例数据成功后,运行模型预测部分时:
python -m allennlp.service.server_simple --archive-path ./test_double2/model.tar.gz --predictor text_classifier --include-package AllenFrame.da…
I train AttentionXML on my Chinese dataset with average 20 sentence length and 150 classes.
The result is same to TextCNN.
Thank you!