KTLG reference https://github.com/ken9ross/ken9ross/issues/302
Tenant reference https://github.com/ken9ross/ken9ross-tenant/issues/75
Preenterred DevOps task body
Log Time
Does not recognize duplicated names when using the command " change INDEX DESCRIPTION".
KTLG reference https://github.com/ktlg/tickets-integration/issues/809
Tenant reference https://github.com/ken9ross/ktlg-trng/issues/302
From [==lhen.sason]
Monitor is Down
From [==lhen.sason]
When populating insurance identifiers, some parsing is appearing to populate the 'extension' field with the actual identifier, and the id field with an OID. CMS parsing, on the other hand, populates …
_Original author: carnav (February 24, 2012 18:36:58)_
I just noticed that in template_functions.php, function generate_sitemap() is populating $pagesArray 'the old way' (lines 1039 and 1044-1059) in…
_From [dhanji](https://code.google.com/u/115972161424102003495/) on January 04, 2009 01:39:01_
Currently, the Guice Servlet Request Dispatcher allows dispatch from:
\* Guice Servlets to Guice Servle…
- [x] I have checked the existing issues to avoid duplicates
- [x] I have redacted any info hashes and content metadata from any logs or screenshots attached to this issue
### Is your feature requ…
I know it is already stated in the UG that all functions need to be called w…
_From [aziz.fa...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/108941978814358481658/) on July 12, 2012 18:20:50_
- Add the possibility to list all loaded jars in a webapp classpath
- detect same jars with mu…