hello ,did you have a bitshares wallet for iOS project ?thanks
#### **Background: These questions were asked by Binance about BitShares (for due diligence) and were directed to [BitShares GitHub Page](https://github.com/bitshares) Development Team and BitShares C…
**User Story**
As an `interested party` I want to view a website displaying `all seed nodes and public API server nodes on a world map based on IP` that comprise the BitShares network so that I may `…
[bitshares-report](https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-report) is being used for ES history export.
This needs maintenance with latest ES changes, as well as some bugfixes I have found during c…
I'm running python-bitshares on Google AppEngine, which doesn't allow writes to disk, causing exceptions because python-bitshares attempt to write the sqlite database to disk. This happen…
Cloning into 'secp256k1_ios'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2615, done.
remote: Total 2615 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 2615
Receiving objects: 100% (2615/2…
Hi! I was looking into async bitshares module but seems it's not usable right now?
What I'm doing wrong. The above exception appears even with the example code.
import asyncio
from bitshares.ai…
We need to prepare banners for webmasters who want to advertise Bitshares. A good banner should include Logo, Name, Tagline and Call for Action (Depend on the size of banners)
Here is the list of c…
Due to continuous misuse of the BitShares Brand name, I propose to publicize the following message, signed via committee-account, please voice your support via a signed message, and/or give feedback i…
If you are designer, you can design Bitshares related products and sell at Teespring. A good design should include Logo, Name, Tagline and Call for Action (T-Shirt that show logo only or name only act…