Hi is this file " ssdlitex_deploy.prototxt" and "ssdlitex_iter_73000.caffemodel" still availabe or are they replaced completely?
Is there somewhere a .caffemodel file for the networks in stead of only the prototxt?
I want to convert a caffe model (https://github.com/chuanqi305/MobileNet-SSD) to mxnet model. When i run the command python convert_model.py MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt mobilenet_iter_73000.caffemode…
ss481 updated
6 years ago
The models are not available or to be downloaded anymore, even manually with the link provided.
BODY_25 model: http://posefs1.perception.cs.cmu.edu/OpenPose/models/pose/body_25/pose_iter_584000.ca…
It's **bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel** in download_models.sh, whereas in style.py it's **googlenet_style.caffemodel**
Thank you for the code. However, it seems that the CKPT file that I got from the caffe_to_tensorflow.py is wrong, which size is only 11.5M. Could you please directly give me pva9.1_pretrained_no_fc6.c…
@Adnan1011, Fist of all, sorry to create the issue in this repo, but it looks that issues are disabled in the NR IQA CNN repository.
Do you have the caffemodel file for NR IQA CNN available somew…
I didn‘t find the yolov2.caffemodel
Hi,Thanks for your sharing !
I noticed that your team have released the torch model trained on the ImageNet, Could you please release your caffe model trained on the ImageNet?