your tracker only has wBTC, while alternatives already exsist and seeing massive volume (your tacker says atm that 0.75% of the supply is in bitcoin defi, while IntoTheBlock says 1% - https://x.com/in…
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# Inconsistent Balance Change Validation Between swap() and defiToStablecoinSwap() Functions Leads to Bookkeeping Discrepancies and Potential Losses
### Summary
Inconsistent balance…
### Description
**ProtectedPay is a comprehensive payment infrastructure that enables secure peer-to-peer transactions, group payments, and savings mechanisms on the Kaia blockchain. The protocol int…
About the Meetup
Join us for an immersive blockchain experience where DeFi innovation meets community collaboration. Backed by industry leaders LeoFi and Kaia Network, this meetup seri…
As a developer, I want to mint a custom token using the Cardano network, Plutus Platform, and Helios, so that I can create a unique digital asset that can be used for various purposes such as decentra…
-I want to create a Token Minter On Kaia Chain that users can use to mint Tokens and NFT'S.
Bounty track
We should remove Clone and Debug implementations for this type s…
Getting `memory access out of bounds` when running this tool.
$ npx @defi-wonderland/natspec-smells --include "src/**/*.sol"
RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
at wasm://wasm/0551…
流动性挖矿(Liquidity Mining)是一种鼓励用户向去中心化金融(DeFi)协议中提供流动性,以获得奖励的机制。在DeFi生态系统中,流动性挖矿是帮助去中心化交易所(DEX)、借贷平台等维持市场流动性的核心手段。