Probably can directly use the above file for a full publications page. Should be able to use github actions to automatically download the csv re…
Chrome has a new ["Google Scholar PDF Reader" extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/dahenjhkoodjbpjheillcadbppiidmhp) for academic articles. The extension allows clicking in-text citatio…
Para el [producto](https://impactu.colav.co/search/works?max=10&page=1&sort=citations_desc&keywords=%22Pedagogy%20of%20the%20oppressed%22) el [autor Scienti](https://impactu.colav.co/search/person?key…
Hello, thank you very much for sharing this LaTex template. Would it be possible to include the Google Scholar icon, just like GitHub and LinkedIn, in the tex file? Thank you!
Google Scholar doesn't offer RSS feeds for profiles or search terms. But the markup of those pages is straightforward and predictable enough that we can parse it and check it like an RSS feed:
503. That’s an error.
The service you requested is not available at this time.
Service error -27. That’s all we know.
PaNET01210 is "propagation phase contrast microtomography" (no acronym)
But "propagation phase contrast synchrotron radiation microtomography" name seems to be better name, technique seems to be u…
Hi thanks for this Nice package.
I was wondering how can I provide an google scholar advanced search string?
I would like something like: --query="string 1 "string 2 that is an exact phrase" "
为什么使用x-tunnel 可以访问Google、YouTube等网站,但是一直访问不了Google scholar。