### What happened?
I aim at planning motion with a physical Interbotix Widow-X250s robotic arm, and a Raspberry Pi 5 as controller, using `xsarm_moveit.launch.py`.Unfortunately, **the Planning Scene …
Add handling of different robot types which may have different configurations of launch arguments (package dependencies, file paths, args used in xacro, etc.).
The user should only be required to mod…
Hello I get a port error when I try to run this. I use the interbotix WidowX arm.
setting /run_id to 108827ea-ee7a-11ea-b401-f49634dd8c9a
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [17165]
started core …
I met an issue while training the model.
I have already run the episodes in simulation
![屏幕截图 2024-03-19 10:45:34](https://github.com/MarkFzp/act-plus-plus/assets/7540494/0aa71278-55a6-406d-a956-…
### Question
As the title said, i would like to have a "impedance control"-like behavior for the the interbotix arms. However given most of the use cases here are pos/vel control without having force…
### Question
Hi, I'm wondering whether you plan to develop the locobot simulation and rtabmap launch in ROS 2?
`ros2 launch interbotix_xslocobot_sim xslocobot_gz_classic.launch.py robot_model:=loc…
There's a few hangups that I had while getting started training my own policy with this dataset that I wanted to capture as feedback to the maintainers.
1. Given that the training scripts are expec…
### What happened?
The locobot's navigation stack works well on the real robot. However, in simulation, we have two issues:
- When the robot moves forward, it drifts to the left.
- When the robo…
is noetic ROS supported?