Intersect Staff members have raised concerns about not having a clear understanding of where and how they can support Intersect Town Hall.
Tracking Intersect Town Hall actions and questions requested …
### Company or project name
_No response_
### Question
When I run a query like:
SELECT id from test_a
SELECT id from test_b
test_a and test_b are the distributed table with …
### Description
After running the server for ~24 hours this exception is thrown and the server shuts down.
Latest Intersect Build with no custom edits.
2024-11-16 01:46:14.645 [Error] Rece…
The rounding of internal edge collision points in `ClockwiseSweep._getInternalEdgeCollision` can produce self-intersections, which can break the triangulation and Weiler-Atherton clipping.
A suggestion to use `Intersect` or `Union` of the resulting `resourceUuid` of the index table subqueries depending on the `Search` operation. This might help reduce redundancy if same `resourceUuid` a…
## Issue Details
Hi there!
I've been working with the Polygon Mesh Processing Package and attempted to test whether a triangulated surface mesh has any self-intersections. However, I ran into an issu…
# Town Hall agenda and planning
- Agenda Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HQPs68BjK2B0LJYe69IIa396LHaIXUKWmaekDrlOHoY
- Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkc-ugqTIjE9zqEK2oRrfcl…
careful: if the ray or min_t lands inside the box this could still hit something stored inside the box, so this counts as a hit
From what i get we need to (i) check for ray's origin being inside th…
There have been various ways in which comms with Intersect staff haven't been smooth - from meetings cancelled with little notice, to no response being given to questions, to difficulties with getting…
This issue tracks work in relation to the creation and maintenance of the Swarm Intersect Town Hall GitBook
The online version of the GitBook can be found here - https://catalyst-swarm.gitbook.io/int…