This might already be an aspect of Manas, I'm not sure - do you have plans to support signing in to Manas with an ed25519 key or something similar?
When executing a transaction, I get the error `Invalid user signature: Expect 1 signer signatures but got 2.`
What could be the issue?”
const tx = new Transaction();
Is it possible to make the wallet configurable, allowing a switch between using a single public-private key pair for all credentials versus unique keys per credential?
This could be useful in scen…
I'm a first-time user of GpgFrontend. When attempting to create a new keypair, I received an "General Error" message that referenced GPGME, which I assume is the GnuPG Made Easy library. See screensho…
Implement DH keypair renewal for node to node secure communications, to ensure forward secrecy.
This has tripped me up before, and now someone on the forum has hit the same user error:
The `--keypair` c…
I am running solana-py on ECLIPSE, which uses TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID for most tokens.
When I do "token.get_or_create_associated_token_account(keypair.pubkey(), payer=keypair, create=True)" it return…
Currently, `irods_sync` script has an `--s3_keypair` option which must point to a file with an S3 keypair. We should turn this into an event handler method so that the options for getting S3 keypairs …
Hi everyone, I lately had a use case where I need to set a specific key pair to created EC2 instances.
Is there a way to set a pre existing keypair instead of creating a new pair each time?