There is an UI error on devices that run Android 15, probably related to the [edge-to-edge enforcement](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-15#edge-to-edge). Here is a scr…
I can only imagine it must get tedious chasing the latest version of this library. However, I would still like to ask if it could be considered upgrading to `105`+, given that `92` has been in preview…
Android 10 and iOS 13 introduce system-wide dark appearance for all user interface elements, known as Dark theme for Android and Dark Mode for iOS.
The components can take advantage of MaterialComp…
### Description
In a ListView, which has ckeckboxes the items disappears while scrolling. (Version: 8.0.20-nightly.10426)
Because we embed modules into one fat-aar, aapt wont generate R class for these modules. So, fat-aar generates R.java classes by itself, and puts it into "lib/r-classes.jar" inside resulting aar.
error MT4118: Cannot register two managed types ('MaterialComponents.MaterialBottomNavigation.MDCBasicColorScheme, MaterialComponents' and 'MaterialComponents.MaterialThemes.MDCBasicColorScheme, Mater…
Provide version numbers for the following components (information can be retrieved by running `tns info` in your project folder or by inspecting the `package.json` of the project):
Fatme updated
4 years ago
` #FF9800 `
` #FF9800`
但是切换主题时MaterialComponents并没有更改主题颜色,在代码中设置` setTheme(R.style.AppTheme);`也不起作用。
Build failed and produces the error:
AAPT: error: resource style/Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight (aka com.israelfl.bitmap2video:style/Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight) not found.
error: fa…
As SPM is increasingly adopted, we should think about removing the dependency on CocoaPods and use SPM instead.
| Package | URL | SPM supported |
| --- | --- | --- |
| AFNetworking | https://github.c…