Here is my procedure. First I ran dorado basecaller, where I required all modifications to be called:
` dorado basecaller -v sup,inosine_m6A,pseU,m5C --min-qscore 9 --emit-moves -b 64 --mm2-opts {p…
I am trying to run AMRFinderPlus on a set of phage genomes to annotate the AMR genes. I have the nucleotide FASTA file, and the protein FASTA and GFF files predicted generated using prodigal. …
I tried slurm job for PANDA-LIONESS. I used 5 cores (80GB), but I encountered the following error:
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x2b9064976040, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: cor…
### Purpose
Originally, the task of this issue was to use pattern4 as the tool to analyze the class files of a project via generating a xml. Then, afterwards, generating a table from the provided xml…
Dear team,
Is there an error in the motifs included in the STR pathogen bed file?
For example, for the DAB1 gene, you have indicated the following motifs:
When I was using Dorado to detect 6mA, I output the modification status of each site through Modkit and found that a large number of sites had a high rate of no-call results. According to the Mo…
I am interested to your amazing work presented in ICML 2024.
but when I look into the github, I cannot find any of pre-defined motif txt files.
Is there any way to generate or get the p…
Keogh's publicly announced his [final matrix profile paper](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mt8vp7mdirng04v6llx6y/MOMP_DeskTop.pdf)
[PhD Dissertation](https://escholarship.org/content/qt0pn6c98v/qt0…
when i add this comma before the last ")" twig breaks and renders nothing. white page.
twig php does support this comma.
{% set motifs = motifs|merge(
{id: 'blabla'},
], …
- [x] Show the sequence logo for the selected motif.
- [ ] Make sure the images can be exported -- see #9
1. Copy all the image files from the [Aerts Lab motif collections](https://mot…