Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) is a widely used, gradient based, MCMC algorithm, that is the backbone of Stan's inference. I plan to implement it for monad-bayes. Todos (checkboxes indicate things done…
#624 parameterized link function
#3224 nonlinear transformation to normality
link function GLM, single index models use
`E(y|x) = f(x b)`
transformation model uses
`z = f(y|x) ~ N(g(x b…
This outlines a roadmap for basic statistical functionality that Julia needs to offer. It is heavily drawn from the table of contents for MASS.
- [ ] Data processing [DataFrames.jl](https://github.com…
I was wondering if it was possible to compute and export simple descriptive statistics in Orange and also to perform simple statistical tests.
Mean, median, variance, standard deviation, perce…
Heckman model is not robust to misspecification of the distribution.
One alternative are more non- or semi-parametric methods that I never looked at.
Another alternative is to provide an collection …
(I'm coming to this now in the context of outlier robust estimation.)
- phase 1: try to build a "clean" or in-process reference model.
Includes outlier identification, robust estim…
**Paper**: Local Competition and Stochasticity for Adversarial Robustness in Deep Learning (http://proceedings.mlr.press/v130/panousis21a)
**Venue**: International Conference on Artificial Intellig…
MEG and EEG data processing using MNE: News from the trenches
**Presentor and Affiliation**
A. Gramfort, Inria
MNE-Python is developped by a growing internat…
##### Description
The EPIC Variability Extraction and Removal for Exoplanet Science Targets (EVEREST) pipeline "de-trends K2 light curves with pixel level decorrelation and Gaussian processes". Th…
gully updated
6 years ago