I have a set of nucleotide sequences and I need the pairwise sequence similarity of all vs all.
I understand that one should create a fake_pref and use it to run mmseqs align. Yet, in the document…
Hello, I've run into what I'm guessing is an odd little graphical scaling bug. I'm seeing it for bedgraphs in which a lot of data has to be displayed at once. Depending on what 'zoom' level I'm at, I'…
Currently seqkit seq filters by quality based on an average quality score. However, other tools such as FASTX's fastq_quality_filter, allow the user to select how many nucleotides (as a percentage) he…
`singularity exec ~/software/pangenie/container/pangenie.sif PanGenie-index -v keepA_C_0.5missing_100kbub_phased_deleteN_id_trim_filtered_SVs.vcf -r ZS11.genome.fa -t 24 -o PanGenie`
My vcf sequ…
This is not an bug, but I'm trying to understand something. I get this message when running salmon quant: "replaced 53 non-ACGT nucleotides with random nucleotides." Can you please explain what t…
Right now we have all nucleotide as black color with yellow background, I want to change this and change the color scheme to standard nucleotides.
Standard colors are :
A - Red
G - Green
T - …
I have a technical question regarding the trimming step. In the case that template switching reverse transcriptase is used, is it necessary to trim additional 3nt from one end to remove the ad…
Eurie: Can the results be uniqued if there are duplicates? For example, entering the same input will result in duplicate rows. Try
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- [Note that](https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide/tutorials/pdbintro.html) the record type ATOM contains coordinates for atoms in standard residues, which include nucleic acids as well. S…
I am trying to use WindowMasker -mk_counts:
`windowmasker -mk_counts -in /resources/b37/human_g1k_v37_decoy.fa > hg19.wmstat`
I get the following error:
computing the genome length