Hi larsch, and guys,
I tried to compile a script today with Ruby 3.1 x64 and with 3.1 x86. Ocra shouts about not finding fiber.so. He says that can't find it in the current directory, but he looks …
This Token is really good - nice work.
Now that you implemented HOTP and TOTP specs, it would not be a big task to
implement OCRA with counter or time moving factor.
It is very few new code once…
When attempting to use Ocra:
after detecting the files the next step is to find the encoding support files.
"Including 59 encoding support files (392842 bytes, use --no enc to exclude)
from here…
1. Original Ocra package installs full packaged solution into temp folder
2. Upon exit Ocra package attempts to delete all installed files recursively (the code looks correct)
3. If step 2 failes …
OCRA (RFC 6287) does not require session information, while tiqr server (Tiqr/Service.php) seems to.
To be more specific, Tiqr_Service::_uniqueSessionKey() in 1.0.0 has used the following code
➜ exe gem install ocra
Fetching ocra-1.3.11.gem
Successfully installed ocra-1.3.11
Parsing documentation for ocra-1.3.11
Installing ri documentation for ocra-1.3.11
Done installing documentation…
I'm blind user and use screen reader for interact with pc/smartphone.
I tried lxqt many time and I think that is one of the best light desktop for Linux.
Therefore I have some problems when nav…
Seems like ocra didn't include the `.so` file in the final `.exe`, How can i add it?
My package command is: `ocra bin\linner`
The gem is [saitowu/linner](https://github.com/saitowu/linner)
``` log
If I have installed OcraServiceManager and DoctrineORMModule, and I want to see dependency graph I will see always graph for Doctrine. It's happen because route name is the same:
``` php
Due to the error happening using the [tab key](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/52106) when screen reader is on, the screen readers which uses `tab` as the main navigator key (such as Narrato…