**Muuri (Soulwalls)**
- [x] Muuri koostuu 5 palasta
- [x] Kummallakin joukkueella on oma muuri pelikentän "takareunassa"
- [x] Muurinpalojen colliderit kuntoon (tätä täytyy tutkia kun ammus saadaan)
The specification defines a way to put the LWM2M tree under a custom root path by using `rt="oma.lwm2m"` attribute at registration time. ([transport§6.4.1 Alternate Path](http://www.openmobileallianc…
Content to update: https://www.openmobilealliance.org/omaspecworks/membership/benefits#unveiling-omas-membership-since-2002
@gocadimic Seth has identified we still have a reference to the old membe…
### Description of feature
Currently, the output options include `phyloseq`. In Bioconductor, there is emerging data container, `TreeSummarizedExperiment` (`TreeSE`), that harness the common …
`data_manager_omamer` tests fail in weekly CI:
Error downloading https://omabrowser.org/All/Primates-v2.0.0.h5: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://omabrowser.org/All/Primates-v2.0.0…
### What happened?
I bought 10 Elivco LSPA9 sockets described [here](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/LSPA9.html#elivco-lspa9) in docu.
I run no automations or scripts and just used the sock…
__Resources that crawlers should not be allowed to index:__
- [x] https://www.openmobilealliance.org/Technical/?
- [x] https://www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/?
- [ ] https://oma-knowl…
### Kehitysehdotukseni
Tiedot Redmine-tiketistä https://tiketti.koha-suomi.fi/issues/3597
Luotu 27. Marraskuuta 2018
...tai joku muu ratkaisu, jotta eivät näkyisi kunnan kirjastojen niteiden kans…
**Describe the bug**
When calling mulptily method in examples/server-methods.py from OPC Router (https://opc-router.com), following error message is created:
In GitLab by @vesal on Sep 8, 2019, 10:38
Pitäisi tutkia saako Pandocin optiolla, vai pitääkö tehdä filtteri, joka
tuottaisi omasta #-nimestä LaTeXiin label-tägin.