Argus-5.0 supports full packet capture for the monitored control plane, which means that DNS flows will have the complete DNS request and response content in the flow records. radump.1 can parse out …
I don't know if this a error of icinga2/icingadb or the icingaweb2.
I use a filter `/icingaweb2/icingadb/hosts?host.state.is_problem=y&sort=host.state.last_state_change%20desc&host.state.is_acknowl…
[EXPOSURE: Finding Malicious Domains Using Passive DNS Analysis](https://sites.cs.ucsb.edu/~chris/research/doc/ndss11_exposure.pdf)
[MALDOM detector](https://pureadmin.qub.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/port…
Free alternative to DNSDB, same output json, need user/pass
juju4 updated
9 years ago
In the [2022-02-09 community meeting](https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/coreos@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/E47SUSGIWAUP77HK2SOVDJQRT7HPAH4E/) we decided to discuss further the followin…
This feature request is for the development of a Passive DNS module for the https://passivedns.mnemonic.no/ service.
Is there a possibility that if DNS Answers are logged, that the reiceiver also logs the answer IP, if an IP is returned? With this funcionality one would have the domain and the resolved IP address an…
- [x] IPv6 support
- [ ] Option to disable `Connection: close` header check for passive blocker
- [x] Option to add additional ports for Window Size modification
- [ ] Tray icon
- [x] White/black …
#ssl scan
Transport security in SMTP world is merely Opportunistic, there is no practice like in the Web to always require encryption with matching DNS-ID and trusted certificate. Additionally, things get compl…