I tried to open jupyter notebook container. I get following error:
root@ip-172-31-26-203:~/using_pyseal# sh run-docker-jupyter.sh
run-docker-jupyter.sh: 5: run-docker-jupyter.sh: Bad substitution…
rkarn updated
3 years ago
when i execute "python3 setup.py build_ext -i", an error was reported "Can not find the seal lib"(windows)
setup.py writing "./SEAL/native/lib/libseal-3.4.a",but i can not find libseal-3.4.a in the p…
I'd like to use this library in python, but I'd rather not use
Pyfhel or PySEAL, as those projects are abandonware and they don't contain the latest version of this lib.
How can I ma…
您好,我在ubuntu服务器上安装了环境,将SEAL-Python clone了下来,执行cmake .时并没有发生错误,在执行make时报错。目前人在外面,后续补上具体报错信息的截图,基本报错的内容都是说"}"不匹配。
系统为ubuntu 16.04,cmake版本为3.14,gcc版本为7,python版本为3.7。
Hello everybody,
I wanted to encrypt a text message with PySEAL and then decrypt it. Now I noticed that there is no `Encoder` that uses a string as input for encoding a `Plaintext` object.
Is th…
While building with setup.py it does not give any error on other includes but give error about this. Even it is present there
![Screenshot from 2019-03-20 05-59-05](https://user-images.githubuserco…
If you are not the same project or a fork of https://github.com/Lab41/PySEAL I'd rethink the naming of your library...
This days, I try to use the pybind11 to make the SEAL run on the Python, Like PySEAL.
Differently I want built it on SEAL3.3.
Now, I missed some Problems, I not familiar with C++17.
in context.h th…
Hi, thanks for the SEAL wrapper! I think the containerised one is a bit of work to set up, so I'm more interested in your version. Any chance of a few quick examples of how to use it?
Thanks :-)
I just started trying to play with PySEAL. I am wondering is there any possibility that we can fetch the encoded vector of plaintext and ciphertext? The only finding by me is that we can use th…