Could you please give the directory structure and content of RAVDESS and CMU-MOSEI? Thank you
Hi, I was running the training codes
python3 MMEmotionRecognition/src/Audio/FineTuningWav2Vec/main_FineTuneWav2Vec_CV.py
--audios_dir /audios_16kHz --cache_dir MMEmotionRecognition/data/Audio/…
I achieved a weighted recall of about 87% when replicating on the RAVDESS dataset, which falls short of the 93.28% reported in the paper.
Here are my training parameters:
python MS-SENet.py --mode t…
Please share the steps to preprocess the raw data to create the .npy file.
Hello. How can I find datasets files: RAVDESS fusion labelled data.npy; SAVEE fusion labelled data.npy
# Task Name
Emoji-Grounded Speech Emotion Recognition
## Task Objective
The primary goal of the Emoji-Grounded Speech Emotion Recognition (EG-SER) task is to develop a system that can accurat…
Thanks a lot for sharing, I trained CNN on RAVDESS(15 video+audio), but the predicted landmark.gif is not moving at all T_T. Could you please tell me what I had missed?
This thread is created to track the progress in the CNN/transfer learning research.
Found an implementation/tutorial on CNN transfer learning and experimented it with our RAVDESS dataset. Wi…
Hi @haixpham, thanks for making the code available for the community. I am working on reproducing your results as part of research work. You have provided a link for AU Labels for RAVDESS dataset. How…