I try to train the model from the very beginning.
I downloaded the models and put them as following
MXNet : 1.0
Python ; 2.7.14
I try to run the demo, but an error like following:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./fgfa_rfcn/demo.py", line 257, in
File "./fgfa_rfcn…
Hi, in your readme you mentioned `Please download ImageNet-pre-trained ResNet-50 and ResNet-100 model manually, and put them into `. Do you have a link to a pretrained model, I download from net just …
I got trouble while running the scripts:
python experiments/rfcn/rfcn_end2end_train_test.py --cfg experiments/rfcn/cfgs/resnet_v1_101_voc0712_rfcn_dcn_end2end_ohem.yaml
At the first epoch, I…
Thanks for your excellent work. @rbgirshick
Can you provide a config for R-FCN like e2e_faster_rcnn_R-50-C4_1x.yaml
And I can't find the loss of rpn in r-fcn model. Does it need precomputed propo…
For example, in /models/pascal_voc/ResNet-101/rfcn_end2end/class-aware/test.prototxt line 7054 and line 7079 , the value of cls_num in line 7054 is 21, while in line 7079 is 8, I don't know why, can a…
Hi, when I run "python resnet_v1_101_rfcn_light.py", I got the error "ImportError: No module named utils.symbol", Could you tell me why?
In additon, I wonder what fps and accuracy are in your contru…
Thanks for such a great contribution with this repo!
This question is about training with different ImageNet models besides the default resnet_v1_101 that is set up here. In particular, it is abou…
Hi, I need help with CPU only build. Currently i am running "https://github.com/yajiedesign/mxnet/blob/master/setup-utils/install-mxnet-windows-python.bat" file to create build which creates the "libm…
Hi,could you release the demo.py with multi-scale testing in fpn