Thus you can get timeoutes due to an error in the startConnect config option with no info on what the real problem is.
Need to process cases like` "saucelabs.rest-url=https://eu-central-1.saucelabs.com/rest/v1 " `to get explicit error.
Now we get following error:
[mError: unknown command "" for "sc"
[//]: # NOTE: This repository only maintains packages that are listed in the [Readme](https://github.com/webdriverio/webdriverio/blob/master/README.md#packages). Please make sure that your issue is di…
Having trouble getting this running in my personal project. I've tried the example repo, but it seems to have the same issue. The the errors below are from the [sample project](https://github.com/sauc…
# Problem
The [status-app-nightly](https://ci.status.im/job/end-to-end-tests/job/status-app-nightly/) job started failing with a python error on the 14th([#926](https://ci.status.im/job/end-to-end-te…
I'm unable to connect to saucelabs and create a session for my tests.
My company provided me an account on saucelabs *US-West-1* region.
When I run my tests it tries to connect to the default `us-ea…
Here is my maven configuration , The sauce connect is not starting while maven pre-integration-test phase. Instead directly executing the tests.
If I use this service it throws errors on completion of each test:
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT 1xx.2xx.75.243:443
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1026:11)
at exports._exceptionWit…
#### Actual format
``` js
framework: 'mocha',
mochaOpts: { },
reporter: 'spec',
reporterOptions: { },
services: ['sauce'],
sauceConnect: true,
sauceConnectOpts: { },