This is not necessarily an issue of metaSMT.
[metaSMT] Instance is SAT
[z3] Instance is UNSAT
Hi, for the following formula
(set-logic QF_ABV)
(declare-const bv_40-0 (_ BitVec 40))
(assert (bvugt (bvurem ((_ rotate_right 6) bv_40-0) bv_40-0) bv_40-0))
boolector …
$cvc5 -q --check-models bug.smt2
Fatal failure within static void cvc5::internal::symfpuLiteral::traits::preconditio…
QF_BV/spear/wget_v1.10.2/src_wget_vc18197.smt2 smt2_eval_CVC4 FAIL
QF_BV/spear/wget_v1.10.2/src_wget_vc18755.smt2 smt2_eval_CVC4 FAIL
QF_BV/spear/wget_v1.10.2/src_wget_vc18756.smt2 smt2_eval_CVC4 FAIL…
I've been doing some tests with the refined monad from the bounded refinement types paper (icfp15), in combination with some behavioral types, and while it generally works well, I ran into some cases …
Hi, for the following formula,
(set-logic BV)
(declare-const v0 Bool)
(declare-const v1 Bool)
(declare-const v4 Bool)
(declare-const v5 Bool)
(assert (forall ((q0 Bool) (q1 Bool) (q2 Bool)…
When using boolector as backend for [yosys-smtbmc](/YosysHQ/yosys), I encountered an input for which boolector hangs essentially forever during the initial rewrite for a `(define-fun ...)`, even befor…
CBMC version: 6.0.0-preview (cbmc-6.0.0-alpha-400-gc320360eef)
Operating system: macOS 13.6.6 (Apple Silcon)
See new code in https://github.com/rod-chapman/cbmc-examples/blob/52d6ddeb15a23ed75802b…
CBMC version: Tested with CBMC 5.27.0 and 5.35.0
Operating system: Fedora 34
Test Case:
void main(){
Exact command line resulting in the issue:
Hello everyone,
I am currently working with Z3 version 4.13.0 and think that Spacer returns erroneously UNSAT for the following CHC-formula:
( set-logic HORN )
(declare-fun b ( Int ) Bool)