As all we know, while swellrt up and run, it's available for any other applications to use in the Internet.
Are there any suggestions on doing restriction?
Thank you.
We need to investigate further to determinate if it is a swellrt or teem issue
The pad shows the following error:
TypeError: editorDiv.attr(...).focus is not a function
at Array. (angular-swellrt.js:481)
at Object.ngModelWatch (angular.js:25159)
at Scope.$get.Sc…
Project list makes 6 swellrt queries at least with a size of ~ 0.5 MB, just to show 9 projects
@pablojan, @llopv,
When trying to create a new inline need in the pad, the need disappears. It might be a SwellRT widget issue.
Project needs are strings instead of boolean:
> project.need.complete
Is this a limitation of SwellRT or is there any reason for this?
![captura de pantalla de 2016-05-09 12 18 19](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/7475584/15110366/bc5e5d04-15e0-11e6-87e0-e67efd5baa7e.png)
Spellcheck in editor is disabled:
May we try to turn it on? This feature was requested …
El caso de uso es poder usar imágenes de un tamaño (peso) adecuado según la necesidad. Por ejemplo, en la galería de proyectos, ncesitamos las imágenes de los proyectos, que se muestran en tres column…