Does the Pro Publica API have a preferred way of communicating that a representative is "At-Large"?
Right now, it looks like this is represented by a district of `1`. However, there's no way to dis…
Hi there! I'm an aspiring data practitioner and have found this repository very useful.
As a suggestion (not sure how to do it myself - yet!), it would be extremely helpful if **'congress-legislato…
#### Project mgmt:
- [ ] Managing tasks, assigning people to tasks, managing collaborations and groups
- [x] GitHub Projects - utility of project boards: https://github.com/daniellecrobinson/fellows…
Let campaign creators decide whether to direct calls to representative office in DC or district. These can be more effective when main offices are busy.
Find closest to user location, or select ran…
Need to add twitter handles for Higgins, Brown, Taylor
A number of youtube channels that need to be updated
Have made changes locally, but wondering if someone can add me to repo so that I can sub…
While I was cross-referencing Votes from the unitedstates/congress project with the data in legislators-current, I noticed that information for Xavier Becerra is missing. There may be others. I'll edi…
Hi. I noticed some data for the 115th congress is available e.g. Kamala Harris shows up but has no website. Is the new congress data incomplete until https://github.com/unitedstates/congress-legislato…
Hi. A bug was reported to me that the phone number for [Congressman Deutch](http://teddeutch.house.gov/) was incorrect. Sure enough the number, 202-225-9890, from [/legislators/locate](https://congres…
The rep data that is inserted on startup currently comes from a static JSON file that was converted from an external source once. However, this data will have to be updated automatically from a reliab…