Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Setup an Eclipse installation as said in the README.txt file
2. Plugin com.google.gdt.eclipse.platform.e37 is not compiling
Version of Eclipse used :
3.7.1 - In…
Hi, we've noticed that the gazebo_ros_imu plugin generates very noisy imu data.
The following are two related questions demonstrating the problem both in rviz and rostopic echo.
plant flag twice, reset and try planting flag twice more, it crashes showing it cannot find the resouece
I used this plugin on my old XP laptop a while ago, with no problems.
I'm now trying to install it on my new Win7 laptop, with STS 2.8.1 (Eclipse
Indigo). After installing the plugin, I have th…
server version is 1.5.
Indigo eclipse, last repository version.
I',m trying to log into a intranet server. I'm sure that credentials are correct because I do can log in via a browser. But the plugin …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create Junit Test class with either @Runas annotation or rule
2. Execute the test as eclipse plugin test
3. InitialisationError is thrown and stack traces…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create Junit Test class with either @Runas annotation or rule
2. Execute the test as eclipse plugin test
3. InitialisationError is thrown and stack traces…
I'm using ROS-Kinetic and I download the zip (indigo-dev)
and do the extraction just only the "moveit_cartesian_plan_plugin" into my src-folder
then $ catkin_make
and I got
from ~/catkin_ws/…
Following the console dump of the build error:
[ 9%] Linking CXX shared library libplugin_manager.so
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lBoost::thread
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lBoost::system
When you try to edit soy the file in some template, "press enter" аt the end of the row. Eclipce automatically insert a comments characters.
For example
``` soy
{template .someTemplate}
when press…