A regular markdown table
| name | foo | bar |
| - | - | - |
| something | 1 | |
| something else | 2 | 123 |
that renders as
| name | foo | bar |
| - | - | - |
| somethin…
Hello, ever since the 20220902 update we have issues with our app update tab.
In debug mode, while navigating in the apps tab the Odoo app store the we are no longer redirected to the Odoo app stor…
The certification projects need to be added in between the practice projects.
This is the current order of the projects in the curriculum:
Practice projects
1. Learn String Manipulation by Buildi…
A periodically updated, publicly accessible roadmap of your current development goals could increase the community involvement as well as it will ensure the community in certainty of the upcomming im…
After v1.0.0 of the desktop app is released, I will begin work on a mobile app.
Sorry to submit this as a software issue, but IMHO it is: there should be a clear way to donate money to this project, which is my favorite reference manager. Consider the fact that I am (and I'm sure…
This change request has three parts:
1. Allow manual choice of 'Category’ (same list as for offers/requests) when logging a time transfer not linked to a post. I.e. under the 'post' menu, there shoul…
This is not actually a bug report. I just got an email from intuit saying that they are going to be forcing me to migrate to credit karma, and shutting down the mint service eventually.
I mostly c…
Description: Objects lit by dynamic lights (except the sunlight) don`t cast shadows based on those lights
Reproduction Rate: 10 / 10
1. Create indoor scene
2. Place lightsourc…