Game AI Pro
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All book chapters are free to download.
-Steve Rabin, Series Editor
The third volume in the Game AI Pro book series (publish…
| | |
| ---- | ---- |
| **Label** | Object Type |
| **Definition** | High-level terms for the classification of curated objects. |
| **Usage** | A more generic classification of items in the col…
I tried forking and running the code, and it tells me to eat a little of everything. Not sure what bug is causing this to happen @DerekGloudemans ?
I.e. trying to tell me to have 5 different types …
There is an issue that has been in the back of my mind re the BCI data, namely, whether the trees that we are counting can, in fact, contribute to the next generation.
Currently, we are modeling …
### Describe the bug
## Metachema [definition](https://github.com/usnistgov/OSCAL/blob/main/src/metaschema/oscal_catalog_metaschema.xml)
Metaschema defines the top-level catalog/group (recursing…
One of my favorite parts of patsy are the categorical encodings. That feature alone is worth using it. While playing with those options, I could not find encodings based on standard entropy calculatio…
@aradhakrishnanGFDL @senesis
We have had two queries as to how modeling groups might contribute additional variables to the CMIP6 archive that do not appear anywhere in the data request. I will cop…
Is it possible to have multiple 'Set-Cookie' headers in one response? As is known there are two ways to set cookies header in the response:
- Having separated headers
- Folding into 1 hea…
It is causing issues in tasks with many subtasks (e.g: UK and EU)
Currently [my model](https://github.com/realthunder/FreeCAD_assembly3/files/2391993/case-v3-20180918T1218.zip) uses lots of constraints. At the moment, lags are around 5-10 seconds, which leads - for …