@Around("@annotation(com.cqupt.annotation.CustomCache) && @annotation(customCache)")
public Object dealProcess(ProceedingJoinPoint pjd, CustomCache customCache)
Right now, javanica supports only aspectj based aop. It would be great if javanica can support [AOP Alliance](http://aopalliance.sourceforge.net) as it is endorsed by most of the Dependency Injection…
As a first time user I see the AoP orbits are fully visible. I expect to be able to hide or shrink the orbit to focus on the chat space.
So this one is a question. I don't know enough about AOP from a practical sense but is it a bad thing?
Does it mean we don't know how to build a "nice" system and so have to add in a hack to let pe…
package ctx
import "context"
type AOPHandler func(*AOPContext) error
type AOPContext struct {
args []any
**Describe the bug**
I'm using pulsar 2.8.0 and aop 2.8.0-rc-202106071430.
And I'm using the sample code in README.MD to publish and subscrbe message.
But no messages returned.
**To Reproduce**
It seems that there's a lack of AOP proxy support in jax-ws-commons. Proxied
webservice endpoints aren't correctly recognized as webservices (although
annotated). The problem lies in the fact, th…
Flutter AOP 微信群,欢迎进群交流~
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I have a Spring Boot 2.0.6 application with spring-data-ldap 2.0.9.RELEASE, and I always get an `java.lang.ClassCastException: java.naming/com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx cannot be cast to org.springframewo…