### Prize Title
Vitalik's Tweetstorm: A Prize Package
### Prize Bounty
1st: 10 ETH
### Challenge Description
Build a solution towards a problem listed on [Vitalik's tweetstorm response to Elo…
Steps to reproduce:
1. `addcontact n/jonny do555 p/1234567890 e/aaaa@gmail…
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-e554Zt3n4&t=71s
- [BoostMyTool](https://www.youtube.com/@BoostMyTool)
https://masonfoy.github.io/GagPages/index.html look at the sidenav's ugly scrollbar! Fix it with overflow: hidden; or overflow-y:hidden; or remove the or decrease that element's height attr value. u …
text overflow for transaction indexed 6 due to large value.
![Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 4.20.01 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2103-AY2324S1/pe/master/files/853c0467-b803-437b-8e13-d5f9a6210bec.png)
Perhaps numbers in names should not be allow…
It is stated in the user guide that the member name should be alphanumeric but there is no check for this and you can input strange characters.
Perhaps set a maximum value under 'add expenditure', as the value returns wrongly after keying in an overly large number (>32 digits). Similarly, overview prints this value incorrectly.