i have some trouble overwriting
Component to realise some custom styling. When i add a copy of the Component:
Hi @siriwatknp !
Congrats on releasing v4! It's looking good.
I just wanted to start a discussion on what you are planning on doing the Form components.
There are already actively maintained …
There is an internal validation which is limited, Formik recommends using the yup validation library which supports more complex possibilities.
Using Formik ( https://github.com/jaredpalmer/formik ) with Yup validation build out forms as described in emailed images
## Bug report
### Current Behavior
Formik do not update properly values property when browser autofills user/password fields.
As you can see on this gif the input has visible values, but not …
When I pass in a number to initialize rating, I get this error message:
Failed prop type: Invalid prop `formik.values.rating` of type `number` supplied to `RatingsField`, expected `object`
## Feature request
Hi team, I'd like to propose an improvement on `` or `FieldArrayRenderProps` to make it type-safer.
### Current Behavior
Currently, we only have generic type on `ArrayHelpers`
## 🐛 Bug report
The documentation says that the returned value from useFormikContext is the same as the ```formik``` props of ````connect````, that includes ````validationSchema````. Also the type de…
my setup for forms is:
* formik and formik-antd for the form creation
* Yup for validation
* react-i18next for localization
This setup works quite well for labels, placeholders etc. but…
## onChange event handler for the form itself
### Current Behavior
Currently, Formik doesn't have built in support for passing in an onChange event handler to the form. Specifically, an onChange…