No module named 'openalpr' --python 3.4 in OSX,
How fix it?
Hello Mathew,
I prepared a new country `my` for Malaysian Plates, however, I noticed something related to code output depending on the way you query `alpr`:
first command without `*` after the `Exam…
Using the C# binding on macOS 10.14, the following exception occurs:
Unhandled Exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '' threw an exception. ---> System.NotImpl…
When I use the command "openalpr-utils-classifychars us [folder_with_plates] [empty folder]"
Appears this: http://prntscr.com/n7ok3o
Then I press space to mark it (in blue), like this: http://pr…
I would like use openalpr for make a application in VisualStudio (VB.NET or C#) that recognize plate from a webcam or ipcam.
I have used openalpr for windows s.o., and i have find this (on …
Caused by: com.sun.jersey.spi.service.ServiceConfigurationError: com.sun.jersey.spi.HeaderDelegateProvider: The class com.sun.jersey.core.impl.provider.header.LocaleProvider implementing provider inte…
Hi, I'm having a problem to run almost every OpenALPR utility, after creating a new configuration file for the new country and setting the ocr_language to be lil rather than leu (I've copied the Europ…
I am using C# openalpr binding combined with Falcon Zero Dash Cam.
When I call method **alpr.Recognize(buffer);** it takes about 400ms which waay to much. The image resolution is 1280x720 and buffer…
I have a program that have a file chooser and gets the file from chooser. After getting mediaFile I'm calling jni library using the following code;
``` java
try {
AlprResults results = alpr.recog…
The OpenALPR library does not work well for Austrian license plates. It classifies German plates fine but they use a different font.
The google images show the differences:
[German license plates](ht…