**Describe the bug**
Bug in asynctelnet.
Code never returns from "open()" if server sends EOF.
When you connect to telnet server that sends EOFs, your code gets stuck in the endless loop in "_handl…
Hi Team,
I see a bug or challenge may be to access a group vars/items in nornir script when we use ansible as a inventory plugin.
**Below thing works :-**
I am getting the following exceptions when using Async.
scrapli.exceptions.ScrapliValueError: provided transport is *not* an asyncio transport, must use an async transport with the AsyncDriver(s)
**Describe the bug**
There is periodical issue while using `nornir_scrapli`. Script connects to devices and get summary information by custom tasks.
SOME random devices are found in `.failed_hosts`.…
Remake "username_prompt" to use them as a regular expression so we can use multiple username prompts per session, like "sername|ogin" that i think will cover most of the switches.
Hi ,
I am getting an error with dealing with device:
"scrapli.exceptions.ScrapliAuthenticationFailed: No matching key exchange found for host, their offer: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diff…
Hi Team,
I see a bug or challenge may be to access a group vars/items in nornir script when we use ansible as a inventory plugin.
**Below thing works :-**
Hi, in Nornir 3.0.0 some plugins must be registered in order to be used. https://nornir.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.0/plugins/index.html
So I have excpetion while running simple get_prompt:
`In [109]: pri…
Hi @carlmontanari
Do you need to reinitilize the `d.PrivGraph` here
if you did …
hellt updated
3 years ago
Adding an ignore_privilege_level boolean flag to `driver.network.sync_driver.send_command`, `driver.network.sync_driver.send_commands`, `driver.network.sync_driver.send_commands_from_file`, `driver.ne…