The intent is to produce a book that describes a computer's thought process as it makes one chess move.
The book opens with a chess position, followed by an in-depth analysis of the board and poten…
There is another chess library https://github.com/niklasf/python-chess (aka `chess`) in existence, and it's popular and actively supported. It also can integrate with Stockfish:
import …
### Project Description
Our project, "MoveChess," is a groundbreaking chess platform that leverages blockchain to introduce innovative features centered around the NFT ecosystem. We aim to enhance …
i just found your chess engine at https://chessengines.blogspot.com/2024/07/new-version-chess-engine-prometheus-02.html .. then i found your GitHub page : it mentions 0.1, not 0.2 .. but after compili…
Hello, I'm trying to use your CNN for chess position classification. You describe the Conv2D filters size as CNNSize = [[6, 5], [16, 5]] and also 2 combinationMaps that I think contains indexs. Since…
Thanks for this great library!
I'm looking to use it to automate the evaluation of a series of board positions. This means I need access to the engine's info output. According to [the protocol](http:…
Now that LCZero is training and gaining elo quite rapidly, I'd like to promote it in several forums but I was thinking we need something catchy to attract users so they can not only help, but also fol…
Hi Phokham,
first of all, thank you for publishing this fine library. I was looking for Java code that would generate all legal moves in a given position and MoveGenerator from JCPI is doing a great …
recently i let MinimalChess 0.6.1 play a game in CuteChess with Black, time format 7 minutes each .. in this rather standard opening position White just did Be3 and MinimalChess has to defend its Bish…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. i ahve a pgn file saved
2. started analysing the game using automatic engine analysis
3. then it crashed
What is the expected output? What do you see ins…