Hi, @Gianfranco97
Could you review why the theme for jazzy does not display the information of the functions?
### Description
Integrate Travis CI for the Quality Control with Unit Tests and Linting.
### Expected behaviour
Pass all tests in every push of master and develop branches and PRs.
### Actual …
Hi, @rafaelje
Please, move repository on Bintray and release as version 1.0
Let's work together with this milestone.
Due date here:
Hi, @DIOHz0r
Put the report into the gh-pages branch.
/cc @Gianfranco97
Hi, @rafaelje
This is a report from @g-bougard
Android - Inventory Agent by @flyve-mdm 0.1.0:
- `` is missing but does it makes sens to have it on Android?
- Found `` set to:
Hi, @hectorerb
Entire XML as JSON.
And partial categories.
They target teclib.infra.
I saw:
* mattermost
* Download the latest release.
* issue guidelines
* please open a new issue.
* Wiki of Taiga.
* Wiki of GitLab.
## Bundle ID
The bundle ID must match the one you used in Xcode. It can't be changed after you upload your first build.
**Actual**: org.flyve.inventory.agent.example
**New**: org.flyve.inventor…
## I'm submitting a...
[ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release)
[x] Bug report
[ ] Feature request
[ ] Documentation issue or request
[ ] Support req…
tabad updated
7 years ago
- Bypassing Jekyll on GitHub Pages
- Redirect with 404 to the index.html