Please add this to the instructions:
Some monitors and TVs do not show a picture over the Tang Nano HDMI connector.
In this case you need to add a solder bridge.
I did this and now it works on my…
+ Register [here](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Yzta8llE-kCYJmfDhNUNJYBovZXqayhJnnpOYXtyd7xURFdGWFNERDlHTkg1MENXUERDVkIyTkRZRy4u)
+ Make a resume of the talk of Dr. Alexander De…
This design doesn't output anything:
module top(output clkout);
OSCH #(.FREQ_DIV(32'd100)) osc (.OSCOUT(clkout));
Full archive, for testing on Tang Nano:
I am running fx68k on a Tang Nano 20k. It worked out of the box and at least boots a MiSTery core to the desktop. Still there are a few warnings which might be worth looking at:
WARN (EX2420)…
After setting the toochain as described [here ](https://learn.lushaylabs.com/getting-setup-with-the-tang-nano-9k/)
I am trying the build the uart example [here ](https://github.com/lushaylab…
Although I tried with several different SD cards, I was never able to get a floppy disk to work.
no floppy disk is displayed in the menu and no boot from floppy disk.
I tested with several different…
im using sipeed tang nano 9k
when i run `python3 -m litex_boards.targets.sipeed_tang_nano_9k --sys-clk-freq=108000000 --build --load`
it runs ok, but no uart, only with 27e6 clock
`litex_term /…
## Changes
- [x] GNDPWR connect to GND
- [x] + sign on power supply, and some voltage documentation in silkscreen.
- [x] A GPIO connection between the FPGA and the CPU. Allows the CPU to reset th…
EDITED: This is not specific to Nestang as it is also reproduced bad behaviour of joystick 2 on my own cores.
I thing the problem are those pull-ups to 3V3 from PIN53_EDID_CLK (DCD_CLK) and PIN52_ED…
This line is a little suspicious to me:
as it will only start the DMA with the write pointer be…