Could that be a thing?
I really like the fluent/metro design so using this library directly with tornadofx would be really cool!
Hi, the last commit is almost 2 years ago. Will this not be longer maintained?
### Introduce the problem
Coding LVGL widget hierarchies long-hand is time-consuming and tricky. If all capabilities of LVGL widgets were normalised according to a DOM, a markup language could be def…
I am tring to build a native-image with my tornadofx program,but it has this error:
ARNING: Unable to install CSS url handler, type safe stylesheets might not work
现代密码学可以参考下,基于kotlin + tornadoFx
Then I try to build a tornadofx(javafx) program with gluon plugin, it have this error:
`Accessing an URL protocol that was not enabled. The URL protocol css is not tested and might not work as expect…
**monaco-editor version:** 0.26.1
**Browser:** JavaFx webview/Edge
**OS:** windows 10
There is a strange issue about cut/copy/paste command in monaco editor, ant i think it is related to the…
Would be nice to have a somehow clean implementation of a board gui interface showing all board pins, signals, buttons, etc... It should be 100% customizable, so the user can configure as it wants.
Has the author abandoned this maintenance? Will new features be added in the future(Such as turn off typesafe CSS to be compatible with native-image?)?
Getting this error on OpenJDK 11
[ERROR] dorkbox.systemTray.SystemTray: Error changing SystemTray mouse trigger for MacOSX.
javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] no such class: sun…