- [x] [Registry](https://github.com/ImChong/Practice_Embedfire_Stm32f103/tree/main/01_StdPeriph_Lib/01_Registry)
- [x] [GPIO](https://github.com/ImChong/Practice_Embedfire_Stm32f103/tree/main/01_StdP…
## センサー
- [BME280 (温度・湿度・気圧センサー)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01M98R905)
- [データシート](http://akizukidenshi.com/download/ds/akizuki/AE-BME280_manu_v1.1.pdf)
- [MPU6050 (3軸ジャイロスコープ・3軸加速度センサー モジュール)]…
I want to add M5Stick-C to tinygo as a supported platform with its MPU6886 (also M5Stack Core/Core2) accelerometer/gyroscope as a driver. I started by adding basic functions of the driver based on th…
I'm looking at utilising the interrupt pin on the MPU6050 on the Wokwi simulator, & was wondering how I can go about activating the INT pin?
PJA7620 和 MPU6050 是不是没有用到?没有找到相关代码,是不是可以不焊接?
in MPU6050_6axis_motionApps20.h , around line 660 , in the dmpGetLinearAccel() ,
it multiplys 8192 for 2g sensitivity,
but for 2 byte raw data of acceleration , -32767~32767 for +- 2g , 1g is for 16…
Hi I need use a MPU6050 with a board NUCLEO-F746ZG, the programing is in MBED. Is posible use this library in this board or is necessary change something?
Hi! First of all, thanks for this library!
But I am having issues with it:
With the sensor standing still , when I use `MPU6050_Read_All` I am getting random values that repeat over time without a …
In Acceleration detection sketch wrt MPU6050 sketch 27.1
at line 10
MbedI2C iic(6,7);
Get compilation error **'MbedI2C' does not name a type**
Seems another library needs to be r…