If I try to copy a file to the pyboard over a UART using rshell, then characters get dropped.
For this test, boot.py contains:
import pyb
uart = pyb.UART(6, 115200, timeout_ch…
Device - ESP32 DEVKIT
COM connection - Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge
System - Windows 10
I have already flashed this device with [micropython](http://micropython.org/resources/firmware/e…
I'm using the wipy with REPL through the serial port (on the extension board).
It seems that cp() hangs if the buffer size is higher than 254.
Maybe this should be documented or set automatically when…
## Info
- ESP32-D0WD-3
- 16 MB SPI
- esp32spiram-20230426-v1.20.0.bin
## Description
I'm using MicroPython `esp32spiram-20220117-v1.18` successfully since s…
On pyboard:
`>>> import pyb`
`>>> pin = pyb.Pin('A2')`
`>>> pin`
`Pin(Pin.cpu.A2, mode=Pin.ALT, pull=Pin.PULL_UP, af=Pin.AF7_USART2)
On many NUCLEO boards:
`>>> import pyb`
`>>> pin = pyb.…
You have all been very naughty!
Look at the following Christmas bug Santa has brought…
The problem concerns the [builtin function `round()`](http://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/pyboard/library/b…
Would it make sense to add a /t/main.py check and eventual execution by default?
I mean I think that is the spirit of boot.py and main.py so having in this case an sd card would be a pity not to i…
センサとの通信・データ取得部分の処理についてもmicro pythonで実装可能なのでしょうか?
This is actually an issue and a response I posted on the ampy project. See [ESP8266 Micropython "Could not enter raw repl" #19](https://github.com/adafruit/ampy/issues/19)
I am creating this issue …
If I have a main.py file in which a while-loop runs forever, then I can not issue the ampy command.
I don't think this is a bug, but I will have to use esptool.py to erase my esp32 borad, and flush f…