Hi ! thanks for the great work.
I wonder if spin can be trained to optimize smpl+h model. Is it possible ? if so, how should I start?
## ❓ Questions and Help
Hi and thanks for the great effort you are putting into this project! I wanted to ask a question related to `phys_properties.json`. I notice that these files are necessary for…
Could we get an example how to load the Detection or the Registration networks and pass in a depth file or a mesh file, and run prediction?
I am struggling to see how to perform inference on a file…
Thanks for your great works!.
The paper have done all experiments with FCGF(Sparse conv network). I'm wondering the effect of PointContrast on the point-based backbone network like pointnet++. Have…
Hello Codalab,
I submitted an entry to the Mapillary Vistas Semantic Segmentation Task Robust Vision @ ECCV 2020, and I get the following "Failed" submission:
WARNING: Your kernel does not su…
Paper name: Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement
Paper link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.06792
Code link: https://github.com/swz30/MIRNet
Paper name: SNE-RoadSeg: Incorporating Surface Normal Information into Semantic Segmentation for Accurate Freespace Detection
Paper link: http://www.ecva.net/papers/eccv_2020/papers_ECCV/papers/12375…
Sorry, the paper link to our project is wrong.
Spatio-Temporal Efficient Recurrent Neural Network for Video Deblurring (ECCV 2020)
The correct one is:
PoseWarper是19年NIPS Learning Temporal Pose Estimation from Sparsely-Labeled Vi…