Does it work on your device? Let other users know here.
If it doesn't work, please be as specific as possible about your device and ROM, and what logs are shown in the app.
On my Samsung Galaxy S8 and my Galaxy Tab A10 when I browse in my Chrome Mobile and want to fill in the form, I slide down and open the Bitwarden, but almost every time it freezes everything for a min…
- if encrypted, reach out to provider/node that was used to encrypt and fetch decrypted ddo
Reference: https://github.com/oceanprotocol/aquarius/blob/main/aquarius/events/decryptor.py
All detailed income lists can't work correctly.
bug report in Console
main.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property 'ᄂAquarius' on number '0'
at main.js:1:1749217
at Worker. …
Now, we are indexing all assets published on chain. But for some use cases, you need to index only assets validated by somebody.
The flow is the following:
- as a publisher, I will call validate…
When installing node-v12.4.0-x64.msi a virus alert was triggered. This happened after the node.js successfully installed and I was given an option to install tools to be used when installing node.js m…
This should be a (probably iHook-based?) executable that finds a locale and
installs it. It should do the chrome.manifest changes itself so that multiple
locales can be installed simultaneously,…
page bg is white https://myforex.hpage.com/aquarius.html
Just pasting here as a note a conversation from Discord with Shawn@VantageCrypto
so, how Ocean works in simple steps:
Publish flow:
- publisher takes care of storage -> asset_URL
- frontend, using o…
Would love to see an AppImage made for Arm64 so Session could be run on Raspberry, Pine etc.
I'm not sure if interest for this is very low or non existent, but if you have a need for it please gi…