> An action for this ticket could be for someone (me?) To write a GitHub action that pushes tagged releases (or the HEAD of a branch?) to an on-demand book storefront. Are there any other aspirational…
- [x] The package I am requesting does not already exist on https://chocolatey.org/packages;
- [x] There is no open issue for this package;
- [x] The issue title starts with 'RFP - ';
* Dev: http://green-software-engineering.de/referenzmodell/handlungsempfehlungen/handlungsempfehlungen-green-web-fuer-entwickler.html
* Ops: http://green-soft…
### DB Selector
### DBID to Copy
facility 143
### Hypothetical
### Name
80K6M Iskra
### Country
### Service
Air Force
### In Commission
I try using **CSInterface.openURLInDefaultBrowser** to open a local pdf file and go directly to a specified page inside that pdf file.
The method works for a PDF file on a web URL, but not for openin…
Create all assets and house style design materials
> Subject above can be resolved by completing following tasks
- [ ] Logo specifications and examples of …
![1 copy copy](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/19465271/15457308/86cbd1e0-207f-11e6-9d83-99304ea1d667.jpg)
`/public/index.html` should have priority over `/templates/index.html.erb`
I have a `/public/index.html` and no `/templates/index.html.erb`
when I call `http://localhost:9292` I should see the `/publ…
clyfe updated
14 years ago
The BIPM logo SVG is available at Wikipedia:
Branding for the SI system:
## About your team
- Team name: Sitewide-Facilities
- OCTO-DE product owner: Michelle Middaugh
- Product manager: Jane Xiong
- Designer: Jordan Wood and Dave Pickett
- Accessibility specialist: Laura…