Compiling and running
module bug;
open import Stdlib.Prelude;
Ty : Type;
Ty := {B : Type} -> B -> B;
id' : Ty;
id' {_} x := x;
fun : {A : Type} → A → Ty;
fun := id (λ{_ := id'});
This makes it impossible to e.g. write a comment above an import statement.
It also makes it hard to write a tutorial as a Juvix file and generate nice html output for it.
The test fails on my machine and no hint is provided as to how to make it go through. If this is not real bug, then what should I do to make the test suite go through?
I get:
Invoke a…
See [this comment](https://github.com/anoma/geb/issues/47#issuecomment-1420474166) to #47. I'm not immediately sure whether this is supposed to produce a type error or not, but I will investigate it …
In Haskell
trace "X" $ expr
behaves as expected, first printing "X" before evaluating `expr`. In an eager language `expr` is evaluated first, which is typically not what one wants with `tr…
If I write
id : (A : Type) → A → A;
id _ a = a;
I get the error message
23 | id _ a = a;
| ^^
unexpected ";"
expecting ":=", '(', '.', '_', '{', or '≔'
Let Smoke discover and run all the tests available within a folder. The flag can be `--execdir` as in shelltestrunner. One optional flag could be `-r --recursive` if one wants to traverse the whole in…
If you type in
module Bug;
save, then change it to
module Bug;
f : Nat -> Nat;
f x := x;
and save, then the module body disappears with no error messa…
As far as I understand, the goal of Vamp-IR is to be able to use complicated circuits in a simple way. I would like to have a practical example with a "complicated" circuit. For example, we can consid…